Rear View Safety’s Fleet Services Program

If your business operates a fleet of vehicles, protecting their value and keeping them in working order is a large commitment of resources. Rear View Safety has helped numerous business protect their fleets and improve their safety with backup camera systems. Especially for businesses that operate large delivery vehicles, adding extra visibility will help keep your drivers safe and your vehicles from being damaged in accidents.

Rear View Safety offers solutions specifically for fleets as part of our Fleet Services Program. There are tons of great benefits to being part of this service program that will keep your fleet protected. Products in the Fleet Service Program are all warrantied for two years against any material defects for two years.

If you do have any issues with your cameras, this program offers an advanced placement warranty service. With advanced replacement, Rear View Safety will send you a replacement part, or parts, before you return the defective parts. This will avoid vehicles in your fleet having holes in them where the camera was installed and make for the quickest transition to a functioning camera system.

Finally, you will receive individualized attention from a designated account representative from our Fleet Services Program. This single point of contact will make getting the most out of this program easy! Find out more about our Fleet Service Program here!

Fall Driving Safety

Driving down an open road on a bright and crisp fall day, with the leaves full of orange and gold is an invigorating sensation and one of the best parts of fall driving. While the scenery is beautiful and the weather and comfortably cool temperature, Rear View Safety has a few tips to avoid the extra hazards to driving in the fall that drivers should be aware of.

With the cooler temperatures driving conditions such as fog, frost and fallen leaves can become problematic. Leaves on the roads can be a blast to drive though, but they can also hide road markers, traffic lines and road hazards such as potholes. Especially on unfamiliar roads, make sure to watch your speed and pay attention to the road to avoid any problems.

Unlike rear view camera systems that help increase your visibility, cold mornings in the fall will often produce fog and limit your driving visibility. When there is fog on the road, make sure to reduce your speed and increase the distance between you and the car ahead of you. Also, using your headlights’ low beams and fog lights will help your visibility in the dark while in fog.

College Road Trip Safety

Vehicle backup cameraFall is here and school has started. For college students, visiting home now mean that they will need to travel a longer distance than normal. Especially if your college students are studying out of state and are planning on visiting for a weekend or over their fall break, Rear View Safety has a few things they can do to help ensure a safe drive.

  • Get your vehicle in for a checkup and basic maintenance before hitting the road. This will help reduce the chances of a breakdown on the freeway because of neglect the car may have received while your students were busy with classes.
  • Double-check everything before you hit the road. If it has been a hectic week of classes, getting up early on Saturday morning may be less than ideal for remembering to check if you have enough gas, if the tire pressure is ok and your vehicle’s other vitals are ok.
  • Finally, take advantage of technology. Installing devices such as a GPS and backup camera systems will help students more-easily navigate unfamiliar roads. Devices such as these will help student avoid accidents on unfamiliar roads in new cities by increasing their awareness of what is around them.

Fall RV Vacations!

Fall is the perfect time to get out and enjoy nature! With cool and crisp breezes, beautifully colored leaves and (hopefully) clear and sunny skies, there is no better time to enjoy scenic areas of the country. One of our favorite fall travel locations at Rear View Safety is New England and there are few better ways to enjoy this historic part of the US than by RV!

A quick tour through a few states in New England during the fall can be an exciting escape from the workweek and offer tons of fun regional experiences, stunning sights and delicious food. Here are some sights and towns you won’t want to miss this fall!

  • Historic and great shopping spots in Connecticut and the sand and water at Hammonasset Beach State Park.
  • Seaside mansions in Newport, Rhode Island that will take you back to the glamorous gilded age.
  • Excellent seafood and shops in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Avoiding the huge crowds that are in the city during the summer months is an added bonus!
  • Smugglers Notch and Burton Island State Parks in Vermont are perfect for adventurous trips, hiking and breathtaking scenery!

Make sure to make your RV driving easier with RV backup camera systems so you can enjoy your trip more!

Commercial Vehicle Safety

Next year in Delaware, commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 or more will be required to have an audible backup signal. This law was signed recently by Delaware Governor Jack Markell to improve safety of commercial vehicles and to reduce accidents caused by them. Commercial vehicles will be exempt from needing an audible backup camera system if they have a backup camera installed.

Commercial backup camera systems from Rear View Safety are an easy and effective way to improve safety for any commercial vehicle by reducing, or even eliminating, blind spots and giving the vehicle operator more visibility. Combined with a warning feature for pedestrians and other vehicles such as an audible signal, the safety of those around large commercial vehicles will be greatly improved.

Avoiding accidents with backup camera systems will not only improve safety, but will also help protect your vehicles and trucks by avoiding accidents. Avoiding accidents, even minor ones, will help save money by reducing costs for repairs and delays in deliveries or other services.

In addition to commercial trucks, rear view cameras from Rear View Safety are available for a nearly any delivery, cargo or service vehicle.